Monday, December 19, 2011

Setting up Metasploit and Armitage on a Mac

In this guide we will do the following on OSX 10.7.2:
  1. Install Metasploit Framework/Armitage prerequisites:
    • Install Xcode
    • Install PostgreSQL 9.1.1-1 
    • Install MacPorts
    • Install other plugins/connectors
  2. Install Metasploit Framework 4.2
      • Install the latest Metasploit Framework
      • Update Metasploit
      • Link programs/modify PATH$
    • Configure everything
      • YMAL database settings file for armitage
      • Allow Armitage to run with privileges
    • Run Metasploit & Armitage
      • launch msfrpc
    • Optionally Create Services & Automatically update everything
      • Automatically update everything
      • Create a launchd

      1.Metasploit 4.2 prerequisites:  
      • Install Xcode -
      • Install PostgreSQL -
        • Fell free to install the mac ports version, BUT I'm using the GUI version in the next steps.
          • PostgreSQL may ask you to reboot if it needs to adjust your memory configuration. 
        • Give the postgres user a secure password
        • Configure a new user
          • Open pgAdmin, connect to the local postgresql server (user postgres, if it asks, & whatever password from above), right-click on Login Roles and select New Login Role...
          • Set the role name (this will be the username) to whatever you want or use msfuser
            • This username will be stored in a plain-text file later!
          • Under the definition tab, set the password to whatever you want or use msfpassword
            • This password will be stored in a plain-text file later!
        • Configure the database
          • Still in pgAdmin, right-click on Databases and select New Database...
          • Set the database Name to whatever you want or use metasploitdb
          • Set the database Owner to the new user from above (msfuser in the example above)
      • Install MacPorts -
        • add "/opt/local" to your spotlight privacy settings to avoid excessive compile times & unnecessary indexing by spotlight. 
          • System Preferences->Spotlight->Privacy->"+"
          • Press "command+shift+G" and type in /opt/local
        • Update with sudo port selfupdate
        • Quit terminal & relaunch to accept new path settings added by MacPorts
      • Install other plug-ins
        • Install Ruby & RubyGems with sudo port install ruby19 +nosuffix
        • Install gem/PostgreSQL connector with
          • For 34-bit systems: sudo gem install pg -- --with-opt-include=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/include/ --with-opt-lib=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/lib/
          • For 64-bit systems: sudo env ARCHFLAGS='-arch x86_64' gem install pg -- --with-opt-include=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/include/ --with-opt-lib=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/lib/
        • Install the gsm msgpack with sudo gem install msgpack 
        • Add /opt/local/ to your anti-virus exclusion list
        2. Install Metasploit Framework 4.2 (includes armitage):  
        • Install MSF
          • Give metasploit a place to live with sudo mkdir /opt/local/msf
          • Download & install the latest framework with sudo svn co /opt/local/msf/
            • permanently accept the certificate with p
        • Create a link to the msf applications with sudo ln -s /opt/local/msf/msf* /opt/local/bin
          • Optionally you can edit $path to include /opt/local/msf/ -- BUT this method never worked for me & you would have to do that for each user on the system... or change the system $path
        • Create a link to the armitage with sudo ln -s /opt/local/msf/armitage /opt/local/bin
          • Update MSF with sudo msfupdate
          3. Configure everything:

          • YMAL database settings file for armitage
            • create the configuration directory: sudo mkdir /opt/local/config
            • Create/Edit the following file: sudo vi /opt/local/config/database.yml

              # These settings are for the database used by the Metasploit Framework
              # unstable tree included in this installer, not the commercial editions.

                adapter: "postgresql"
                database: "metasploitdb"
                username: "msfuser"
                password: "msfpassword"
                port: 5432
                host: "localhost"
                pool: 256
                timeout: 5</code>
          • Allow Armitage to run with privileges
            4. Run Metasploit & Armitage:
            • Run Metasploit
              • Launch msfrpcd with sudo msfrpcd -U msfuser2 -P msfpassword2 -t Msg
                • feel free to use a different username & password here 
              • launch msfconsole with sudo msfconsole
                • db_connect -y /opt/local/config/database.yml
                  • The data will build now 
                  • how do I make this default (maybe just in armiatge)
                • exit out of msfconsole with exit
            • Launch Armitage from the command line
              • Enter the credentials from the msfrpc command above
              • Enjoy!
            5. Optional extras that will make your life better:
            • Make msfrpcd a launchd service:
              • Create/edit the following file: /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.metasploitframework.rpcd.plist

                <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
                <plist version="1.0">
              • Start the msfrpcd launchd with sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.metasploitframework.rpcd.plist
            • Automatically update everything you just installed:
              •  Edit you crontab & add the following lines:
                0 6 * * * /opt/local/msf/msfupdate -u
                0 5 * * * /opt/local/bin/port selfupdate; /opt/local/bin/port upgrade outdated
                0 5 * * * /opt/local/bin/gem update --system
              • If you don't know what this means then don't touch cron.

            Further reading:


            Tuesday, May 17, 2011

            Rename multiple files' file extensions from the command line with a wildcard

            I hate not being able to rename multiple files from the command prompt/mac terminal session, ie:
            mv *.thisisthewrongextension *.thisiscorrect
            or as my example will be for torrent files incorrectly downloaded by a browser as .torrent.html files:
            mv *.torrent.html *.torrent
            This lack in functionality in bash just drives me crazy.

            Here are two inline commands, a bash script, a pearl script, and GUI Mac program, that will overcome this shortfall. In these two command examples we will try to rename files that downloaded as myfile.torrent.html to myfile.torrent.
            1. find *.torrent.html -exec mv -vn {} `echo {} | cut -f1 -d.`.torrent \;
              find *.torrent.html -exec bash -c 'mv -vn {} $(basename {} .torrent.html).torrent' \;
            2. for i in *.torrent.html; do mv -vn "$i" "`basename $i .torrent.html`.torrent"; done
            3. bash/pearl script examples located here
            4. You could also use this GUI program on a mac, it is VERY, VERY, VERY awesome: A Better Finder Rename
            Solution 1 breakdown: In the first example we will use the find command in conjunction with executing another command inline. In the second example we will be using a bash script in a single line. Let's begin. command breakdown:
            find *.torrent.html
            will output: 
            Then we run into the "-exec" parameter of the find command... it may seam a lot to deal wth, but basically it just runs a command each time find returns a result. Moreover it will pass the found file/directory in the form of "{}". for example:
            find *.torrent.html -exec echo {} \;
            Please note: at the end of an "exec" you must have whitespace(a space in the above example), then a backslash(escape character) followed by a semicolon. If you don't do that you'll get the following error:
            find: -exec: no terminating ";" or "+"
            anyway, the aforementioned command will output: 
            Let's take a break from the "exec" function of the "find" command, and move on to the "mv" command (pun intended). When you move or rename a file you need to specify a source & destination file/directory. Now since we can't move multiple files with a wildcard as the destination with the "mv" command (as is the point of this article) will not work
            mv *.torrent.html *.torrent    -   this will not work
            However, the following 3 commands will work (and this is exactly what we will be replicating in this first example):
            mv myfile1.torrent.html myfile1.torrent
            mv myfile2.torrent.html myfile2.torrent
            mv myfile3.torrent.html myfile3.torrent
            I'm also adding the "-vn" options to the "mv" command so it will be verbose about what it is moving & to prevent "mv" from overwriting an existing file. Now that we know what "mv" will be expecting, let's see how we can get "find" & "-exec" to pass the file names to the "mv" command.
            find *.torrent.html -exec mv -vn {} `echo {} | cut -f1 -d.`.torrent \;
            find *.torrent.html -exec bash -c 'mv -vn {} $(basename {} .torrent.html).torrent' \;

            The {} portion of the above command will be replaced with "myfile1.torrent.html". For the next portion of the command we will look at the bold section in the command above. 
            `echo {} | cut -f1 -d.` is translated into:
            `echo myfile1.torrent.html | cut -f1 -d.` 
            $(basename {} .torrent.html) is translated to:
            $(basename myfile1.torrent.html .torrent.html) 
            The above example will give the following output (note that anything inside the  ` (tick marks) will be executed first):
            This output still needs an extension appended to it, so we do the following:
            `echo {} | cut -f1 -d.`.torrent
            $(basename {} .torrent.html).torrent
            And we get the following output:
            So now the "mv" command has both a source ("{}" as represented in the example below), and the destination ("`echo {} | cut -f1 -d.`.torrent" "$(basename {} .torrent.html).torrent" also represented below), and we get:
            find *.torrent.html -exec mv -vn {} `echo {} | cut -f1 -d.`.torrent \;
            find *.torrent.html -exec bash -c 'mv -vn {} $(basename {} .torrent.html).torrent' \;
            With the following output:
            myfile1.torrent.html -> myfile1.torrent
            myfile2.torrent.html -> myfile2.torrent
            myfile3.torrent.html -> myfile3.torrent
            Phew... all done with the first example.

            Solution 2 breakdown... sort of:
            Now let's dissect the single line bash script:
            for i in *.torrent.html; do mv -vn "$i" "`basename $i .torrent.html`.torrent"; done
            Expanded below with added comments it looks like:
            for i in *.torrent.html;  #(the for loop begins here)
                    mv -vn "$i" "`basename $i .torrent.html`.torrent";  #(here we use the mv command, as we saw above, but we use the "basename" function to split the file name)
                done  #(and then we are done)
            I could go into more details, but I think that should be enough for that today. For more details about this function, and to see some other bash function examples go here.

            If you need help with a bash script:
            1. Feel free to comment/mail me
            2. Visit a linux forum (
            3. Take a good long look at the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide
            4. Use the "man" pages for further detailed info.

            Saturday, May 7, 2011

            Fixing double letter issues when naming people in photos in iPhoto

            When in iPhoto and naming/identifying people using "Faces" when you type in the text field all characters typed are doubled (see below)

            An address book corruption... yeah annoying hu?

            in /var/log/system.log look for lines similar to the following:
            12/2/10 12:45:00 PM AddressBookSync1871 Critical error fetching ABCDContact in context <ABManagedObjectContext: 0x10012b670>: Fatal error. The database at /Users/kurtpedrosa/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb is corrupted. SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
            The data that's important here is:
            database at Application Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb is corrupted

            Rebuild you address book database.
            I'm partially referencing the instructions from this site:
            1) Exit iPhoto & other apps that may use the address book.
            2) Backup your address book.
            • Open Address book.
            • Click on "All Contacts" and drag that into a folder of your choosing. (that was easy)
            • Make another type of backup, from address book click on the "File" menu->"Export..."->"Address Book Archive..." and save that file somewhere safe too.
            • Quit Address Book
            3) Fix the address book database.
            Run the following code logged in as your user from the terminal:
            echo '.dump' | sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb | sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/; mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb.bak; mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb

            Here is the code broken into three separate commands:
            echo '.dump' | sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb | sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/
            mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb.bak
            mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb

            Start Address Book & iPhoto, enjoy tagging faces again.